"Vaxxed" documentary gets cencored

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Joltz the Noob

Well-known member
Feb 18, 2015
[font=Arimo, Arial, sans-serif]"Vaxxed," which alleges misconduct and a cover-up by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding measles-mumps-rubella vaccinations, was a scheduled feature at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City next week. But it was pulled from the line-up last week.[/font]

[font=Arimo, Arial, sans-serif]According to The Associated Press, Tribeca co-founder Robert De Niro at first defended the decision to include the film, but later reversed that decision.[/font]

[font=Arimo, Arial, sans-serif]"My intent in screening this film was to provide an opportunity for conversation around an issue that is deeply personal to me and my family," the Oscar-winning actor told the Associated Press. But after reviewing the film — along with members of the scientific community — he said, "We do not believe it contributes to or furthers the discussion I had hoped for."[/font]

[font=Arimo, Arial, sans-serif]Luckily my town was chosen as one of many film festivals that get this film.[/font]

[font=Arimo, Arial, sans-serif]Not sure if the movie will be released to the public on platforms like netflix, or if it will play few times and be lost forever. My suggestion is to try and see this movie.[/font]

[font=Arimo, Arial, sans-serif][video=youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHvibH9nyFM&ab_channel=HopixXd[/video]

[font=Arimo, Arial, sans-serif][size=medium][font=Arimo, Arial, sans-serif]Sources[/font][/font][/size]
[font=Arimo, Arial, sans-serif][size=medium][font=Arimo, Arial, sans-serif]Ocala "Vaxxed" Article[/font]

[font=Arimo, Arial, sans-serif][size=medium]NY Times

ABC News Video
I would be interested in seeing this documentary, I just hope it isn't a "VACCINES CAUSE AUTISM" pseudo-scientific documentary.
It was the case. While there is some evidence to suggest that vaccines sourced from aborted fetal material may be linked to autism spikes, there is nothing conclusive. Hell, it could just as well be an increase in cases due to human population growth or maybe environmental reaction with the increased radiation in the atmosphere from all the nuclear testing in the mid-1900's. Who the hell knows?
This is absolutely correct, I'm glad that some people haven't read Wakefield's paper and immediately assumed it was correct. Lord knows I hear it enough from my family who is filled with naturopathic nutjobs.
Andrew Wakefield, the guy who conducted a fraudulent study which inadvertently lead to the illness and death of many people (and started a culture of paranoia and rejection of empiricism) and then was banned from practicing medicine in the UK.

This movie deserves to be at the bottom of a 2-for-$1 bargain pit in a run-down Walmart.
I thought it was hilarious how he tried to submit a paper to Science after all of this happened and they basically told him to go fuck himself.
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