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Aug 6, 2012

It's*somewhat officially*happening!

...at last! After weeks of scheming and planning I announce the revival of the intox Minecraft server!

Ok so a little background: So there has been more and more demand for the Minecraft server as of recent, and I was among the voices. All the developers and especially Xerhik are too busy to invest their time in something like this right now, which unfortunately was a failure in the past, so that leaves me :thumbs:. I volunteered to do it since I have some experience in Java and am currently taking an university course for it, I am also very experienced with Spigot/Bukkit so they're both like second nature to me. Like everybody else though, I have obligations and commitments(school, job, etc) and will not be able to work on the server as much as I want to. Speaking of which, do not expect the server to be up in 3-4 days, I cannot give an ETA except it's going to take a lot of time for me to configure, build, test, fix, configure, fix, fix again, and again fix everything. Don't worry though, it will be up eventually, just be patient though as I'm only one guy!

Anyways, on to some planned features/ideas I had. Feel free to add any input:

  • It will be a survival/economy server. The game difficulty will be set to normal so hunger will not kill you, but bring you to half a heart.
  • Every player will start with 'x' amount of currency. Currency will be obtainable from NPC tasks, events, etc.
  • GRIEFING OR STEALING IS PROHIBITED! Chests will have protection as long as the user is not offline for 'x' days, and golden pickaxes shall act as big brother block history tools.
  • Chest shops, a web shop with items added by players, etc. Not sure on how trading will be done yet, but everything will be supplied by players, not generated by the server.
  • PVP/Mobs will be enabled everywhere that is not a town, or a worldguard protection. Nether is PVP everywhere.
  • McMMO!
  • Basic classes? (TO CLARIFY, all vanilla mechanics/items will be accessible to all players, but I'm thinking I may add some sort of perk system for people to buy benefits from different plugins with ingame currency).
  • Multiworld!
  • Minigames and shit!

The server will be geared for 25+ people, a number I believe easily obtainable with a community our size

It will be a very vanilla server, but will have systems in place to add content to the game. Think of a smaller scale, much less-restricted Buxville or Super-Earth. A lot of this will be automated and regulated so in case an admin isn't on, a player could buy a WG prot, expand their town, etc.

I just got the server running today guys, please add input. I am really curious what people want and will actively listen as I work on the server.

Last note: As I get the server up and running to something reminiscent of what I described, I would like to ask for a few people to come on and help me testing plugins and building. Leave a note in your post if you're interested. I also ask that members keep this quiet for now as the server is nowhere near complete.
Help, me, yes.

As long as I can set up my tower without players attacking me I'm ok.
Used to be an admin on a mc server. I can help whenever.
Little update:

Server has been making good progress, got some basic configuration done. Mainly working on building/zoning right now, so once that's done a good portion of the work is gone. Pretty much have the very central hub, starting zone plus the roads leading out of the city done now.

Here's a little picture of all the progress myself and others have achieved so far.


The style of the main hub has changed from that dark gothic with netherbrick to a stone and blue/white glass styling to reflect the colors of the clan, makes it look more lively and modern too.

EDIT: Quick picture of the hub before I go to bed, I think it looks nice. Provide some feedback on the style.

Quick little note:

Building an entire 300x300 town is ridiculously hard and time consuming, if anybody would like to help contribute simply just:

  • Build something in Creative that matches the color scheme/theme of the town, or looks nice.
  • Send me a picture on Steam
  • If I like it, I'll tell you I want to add it. Just upload the build as a mcschematic and send to me on steam.
I've been quiet because shit is whack.

Seriously though I picked out a really nice custom environment for the spawn city, tell me what you guys think.

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