Minecraft Documentary!

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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2008
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Over the past year, the computer game Minecraft has become a cultural phenomenon, drawing millions of players into the unique, low-res world created solely by Swedish programmer Markus "Notch" Persson. When Persson announced that he would invest his Minecraft earnings in founding his own development house, Mojang Specifications, 2 Player Productions seized upon the rare opportunity to fly to Sweden and document the first week in the life of the new studio.

During the editing process of what was only supposed to be a twenty-minute short, it became clear that an important chapter of gaming history was still being written, and that a feature-length documentary about Mojang's first year would make a powerful statement about what it means to create, release, and play games in the twenty-first century.

For the first time, viewers will be given an in-depth look at both the triumphs and the challenges faced by a studio during their first year in existence. We will analyze the unprecedented success of Minecraft, gain insight into its impact from journalists and industry professionals, and meet the fans whose lives have been changed by the game.

“Minecraft: The Story of Mojang” would represent 2 Player Productions’ second foray into feature films (following 2008’s critically-acclaimed “Reformat the Planet”) and is part of our ongoing mission to examine and celebrate the zeitgeist of contemporary gaming culture.

Your investment will allow us to make frequent visits to the Mojang office in Sweden and other locations around the globe throughout 2011. Support would also allow us to enrich the film by hiring additional crew to handle post-production effects, audio engineering, an original musical score, and the production and shipment of unique Backer rewards. To incentivize donations, we are reuniting with merchandising team Fangamer to produce a wide variety of exciting products -- all of them exclusive to this four-week campaign period.

Throughout the production, we’ll maintain a project blog about the film’s progress and post plenty of photos and bonus videos. The film is set to be released in 2012 (provided the world doesn’t end) and will ship out on an exhaustive 2-disc DVD set.

Thank you for your support!
2 Player Productions
I came expecting a video.

I left because I found some people I don't know begging for money.

Cool, though.

edit: holy balls notch looks like a young santa in his coat and hat.
what is it with fat people and making good games?
addendum: and looking like santa.
Minecraft is cool and all, but why do they need a documentary lol? Its just some random dude who coded some spaghetti java and released it lol
Dan082535 said:
i did the 60 dollar pack... mostly for the "creeper toy" :baby:

I wish I knew what it looked like first. It also seems like the type of thing that will be on Think Geek a little after it comes out.
beny said:
Minecraft is cool and all, but why do they need a documentary lol? Its just some random dude who coded some spaghetti java and released it lol

There's a lot more ridiculous ideas for documentaries, and yet they're still great!

Ex: http://www.theparkinglotmovie.com/
If you donate $10,000 you get to be at the grand opening party and mojang studio in stockholm. BUT, you have to pay for air fare and accommodations.

It says there is 1 backer that donate $10,000. :maybe:
Triggs said:
fishy said:
Ex: http://www.theparkinglotmovie.com/

I would watch this.

I've seen it, it's on netflix, and it is amazing.

Also, I got an email sent to me last night from Kickstarter:

Four days in to the campaign and already at 80k, we must have set some kind of opening record on Kickstarter! Our sincere thanks go out to everyone who has supported the campaign and stands behind this project.

We wanted to let everyone know that C418, composer of the Minecraft music and our upcoming documentary score has generously donated free copies of his digital album "life changing moments seem minor in pictures" to the first 3000 backers! Will we even have 3000 backers? The way things are going it could happen!

If you're familiar at all with 2 Player Productions, you would know that we're all about supporting chip music, so we're also including digital copies of our compilation album "Blip Festival 2008 32 Live Recordings". We've been involved with the Blip Festival in New York City for years now, and if you're unfamiliar with the chip music scene the album should serve as a great introduction.

The albums will be part of the digital backer kit, something fun we're putting together to reward you guys for supporting us that can be released shortly after the campaign ends. Everyone that donates will get the digital backer kit, regardless of the amount you give! We'll be following up with more updates about the contents of the kit, so stay tuned!

The kind folk at GDC have been generous enough to extend passes to us in support of the project, so it looks like we'll be following Notch and the Mojang crew around for the week in San Francisco. This is probably the only opportunity to film Mojang here in the states, and their visit to GDC could produce invaluable content for the doc.

We'll have another update for you guys shortly after we get back from the trip to let you know how it went. While we're gone we plan to keep a close watch on the campaign and continue to do our best to answer your questions. If you don't get a response from us on the comments board just send a direct message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Also be sure to read the Kickstarter FAQ if you have any questions, it may answer them better than we can- http://www.kickstarter.com/e/QqXon/help/faq

Thanks again everyone, with your help this project will certainly become a reality!

TL;DR: first 3k get a free copy of c418's new digital album "life changing moments seem minor in pictures"
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