The state of jailbreak

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Apr 7, 2017
United States of America
Jailbreak regular here.

I've noticed a distinct trend in jailbreak, two maps are most commonly voted for and if they are not open, then people begrudgingly pick a map to instantly RTV or sit through several agonizing hours of play which ends up killing the server.

The two maps specifically that are mostly played are mlcastle and the non-nighttime minecart (which is broken).

I'd like to hear some further input by other members of the community.
It feels like a majority of the maps in the server's list are just filler that are there to take up space. They never get used, nobody wants to use them and they aren't even that good of maps. And when these maps are, on the off chance this does happen, picked and used people either instantly rtv, play a round realize how bad the map really is and rtv, or just leave.
Maps are always rotating but I see that as a good thing. You don't want the same map every time now do you?
Forgot to mention Rtv vote could happen with like 3 people. It should happen if there's at least 6.
idk dude i've never had a problem with maps on jailbreak before, back in the day we had two maps and two separate servers, one for each map, so idk i feel like having this many maps on jailbreak is kinda unnecessary. trimming it down to mlcastle and minecart would seem fine to me. i wish we could get someone to edit minecart night and just make it a daytime version of that map because it is significantly better than regular minecart (besides lack of ff)
I'd keep space jail, minecart, and ml_castle. All of the rest are bad maps that makes players leave.
I'd keep space jail, minecart, and ml_castle. All of the rest are bad maps that makes players leave.
oh yeah spacejail is mad good too. i feel like there is a small crowd of people who enjoy chrieten (old jb2 map) but other than that the other maps are just kind of filler. we should trim down the list.
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