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Active member
Mar 11, 2013
Hendon Myre
i'm actually not too sure what i'm doing with my life
but i'm interested in what people are doing with their life so i can have a reason to live as i like to listen to people
also theres lurkers that could get a laugh or a smile.

I had a goal last year to gain a certain amount of weight and I did and im happy as shit, and this year I'm sticking to that goal except gaining more weight.

It's not much, but I've always struggled to gain weight even when I workout and eat p much regularly, and etc.. I found out that I needed to eat almost 2x as much to actually gain any weight. Say 2200 calories being my norm(I don't know the exact because I never used to count but approximate), I have to bump it up to at least 3600 to see any real progress, any less and I still don't gain weight I burn calories like a mofo. I can maintain my weight with like 2200, but if I actually want to get any weight I have to eat that much or I wont gain any weight at all.

Believe it or not it's actually hard eating literally constantly. Working out does help put the weight on quicker, but when I only workout once maybe twice a day I have to essentially force feed myself to gain the extra weight I need.

I've been slacking the past few weeks, but once I get another workout set that I'm planning to buy by the end of this month I want to at least gain back my poundage when I was sick last week(which I'm only missing 2) and then get to part 1 of 2 of my goal.

Also it's been hell actually figuring out what I needed to do to gain weight quicker and more drastically little shit like instead of having my fan on high when I sleep it's on low so I don't wake up cold(I like having a cold face, but I just dealt with it so I don't mind waking up a little hot). I never actually realized how much water I drink throughout the day and cut back say instead of 2 gallons of water down to near 1.

There are other goals in mind, but I've been very concerned about my weight especially since soon by the end of February I plan to go into the Navy, and which my last year goal was actually meet their requirements of being a certain weight.

I just wanted to say this because like I said I've always struggled with actually gaining weight in fact my entire life regardless of me working out and just eating when I was hungry. To be honest people say losing weight is hard, but I'd like to imagine from everyone losing like 70 pounds in 3 months. I've been working on this shit for a year now and I only gained I think 13 pounds. I mean I could be working a lot harder, but with school and work I can't just constantly waste my money on buying specific shit to eat whenever I want to, and it's not even about money but rather leaving in the middle of class or work to go get whatever I need.

Becoming a better person through goal-oriented pursuits such as competitive cycling, podcasting, and content creation on a regular basis.
i deleted all of my social media on jan 1st because i was tired of seeing other people happy and in good moods all of the time; i didn't think it was healthy for me and my depression, so i guess for 2017 i just want to be a happier person by living in ignorant bliss about other people. i had stopped taking my meds for a while, but i just started back on them today, so hopefully that will help out a bit.

i also had a smaller resolution to drink more water. for a few months last year, i had drank nothing but water and i dropped a few pounds, then i got re-addicted to the sodas. it's hard to drink more water when water tastes like garbage, but that's probably just because i'm not used to it.
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