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All you intox oldies - if you want to add me to play some overwatch feel free: MoneyB#11673

just dicking around in quick play
Got ranked at 2k now I'm 2.5. Please help me get higher also check out this sweet play.

CreatortheTyler said:
Currently ranked 3580 SR and can play With others 500 apart from my rank. if you're doWn to play hit me up!

He doesn't have a w key it's a trap

Best Lucio worlds.
new hero has turned the game into rotation sensation with shields :c

I can't even begin to describe how much this is true. Especially with the current CD on her shield. Was in a match w/ Rein, Sym, and her. Could NOT break through on Hollywood because endless shields.
I did buy the game, but cant run it. I hope to get a PC soon and once I do that i will start playing. I main mercy.
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