Recent content by Bionicman1994

  1. B

    week... 1/2 week

    I'm be gone 9 days... so see ya...   (July 26 to Aug 3) Going south U.S. (Arizona)   :datass: I'm be on mobile intoxgaming site...
  2. B

    Thirdperson problems

    The Thirdperson kindly broken when after taunt.   When I was third person, then I taunt, when taunt was over the thirdperson kindly little lower.
  3. B


    see ya,  I gone to coast for week.  :awesome:  sometime I'm be on mobile intox gaming site.
  4. B

    [Approved] isaiahtorres33 / skylermathews

    In-Game Name: isaiahtorres33 / skylermathews SteamID: STEAM_0:0:114835777 or [U:1:229671554] / STEAM_0:1:106954661 or [U:1:213909323] Server & Date: JB#1 Afternoon 4/9/15 Why should this person be banned...
  5. B

    Busy Busy Busy...

    I been busy, for everyday.... :snif: I have job every weekend (maybe) and also collage (two months or more) I gone to collage it like morning to afternoon. 8:00am to 5:00pm MTN. time. Monday through to Thursday. Just welding classes :thumbs: Job<---- it like all day work Friday or...
  6. B

    [Approved] TK_BLADE

    In-Game Name: TK_BLADE SteamID: STEAM_0:1:105091328 or U:1:210182657 Server & Date: JB#1 3/16/15 night Why should this person be banned: this person has no mic and also freekill he ignore the rules...
  7. B

    [Approved] Intox is corrupt :^) (Oreon)

    In-Game Name: Intox is corrupt :^) (Oreon) SteamID: [U:1:148223351] OR STEAM_0:1:74111675 Server & Date: JB#1 3/7/15 night Why should this person be banned: tag Intox in name , I saw this person...
  8. B

    [Approved] CHUCK WHITE 'King of THUGS' and Hoovy Pootis

    In-Game Name: CHUCK WHITE 'King of THUGS' and Hoovy Pootis SteamID: STEAM_0:0:55280213 and STEAM_0:1:60388449 Server & Date: JB #1 2/26/15 Why should this person be banned: not become warden, also...
  9. B

    [Approved] lindalin1983

    In-Game Name: lindalin1983 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:103488956 Server & Date: jb 2/9/15 afternoon Why should this person be banned: that who don't have mic and also freekill ( as SMK deny LR)...
  10. B

    [Approved] =TaP= Markus and unicornlover3000

    In-Game Name: =TaP= Markus and unicornlover3000 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39847612 and STEAM_0:1:108409500 Server & Date: JB 2/6/15 about noon Why should this person be banned: Unicornlover300 has no mic and...
  11. B

    [Denied] 0101100001110010011010010111101

    In-Game Name: 0101100001110010011010010111101 SteamID: STEAM_0:1:86453049 Server & Date: DR 2/2/15 afternoon Why should this person be banned: She always still talking it almost spaming mic and the mic...
  12. B

    [Approved] Anwar Games

    In-Game Name: Anwar Games SteamID: STEAM_0:0:106003169 Server & Date: DR 2/2/15 afternoon Why should this person be banned: because he always talking on mic it almost like mic spaming...
  13. B

    [Approved] Jorshiek

    In-Game Name: Jorshiek SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54554326 Server & Date: DR afternoon 1/29 Why should this person be banned: reason mic spaming Proof...
  14. B

    [Approved] erwinsmith

    In-Game Name: erwinsmith SteamID: STEAM_0:1:99668459 Server & Date: JB 1/27/15 about noon Why should this person be banned: that person has no mic during guard and also almost freekills...
  15. B

    [Approved] atlissbudder

    In-Game Name: atlissbudder SteamID: STEAM_0:0:120854086 Server & Date: Death run 1/18/2015 Why should this person be banned: reasons Tag (none member) He as first time add tag...
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